Friday, March 5, 2010

I hope I don't suck. Or that I feel like I'm trapped in "Fame."

I'm still a good 6ish hours away from this makeup event this tonight... and for serious I'm still terrified. I heard back from a few of my favorite artists, and I feel LESS terrified, but still terrified. I still have the foundation problem. Still not sure what to do about that. But I'm stopping by a few key places on my lunch break so I can get a few necessities from my kit:

* black gel eye liner (I have green, brown, and blue... no black. Go figure.)
* mascara (still have to get mascara wands...)
* matte bronzer
* this really awesome concealer that is the best: Paula Dorf Special Camouflage Concealer. It's peach & yellow, and you custom mix it. I've actually wanted to get it forever. I lurves it.
* Q tips, cotton pads, tissues, and preparation H (works to de-puff. magic secret. don't tell)

That's all the stuff that I don't already have. All my brushes are packed. I have all the lipsticks at my disposal (um. 3. I don't like lipstick. Whoops.) and a bunch of glosses. I might pick up one or two more just to have on hand? Maybe? My kit is mostly all put together... now I just have to wait. My friend Lisa, who is a makeup artist, said to me earlier, "Just act like you know exactly what you're doing...and you'll be just fine." It's nice to know that my friends in the industry are very encouraging and helpful. Ideally, I'll make some future bookings. What I would really love to do is weddings. But everytime I let someone I know who is getting married that I freelance, they say "Oh, well... I'm doing it myself." or "Oh, well... I was going to do to *this place.*" But I'm good! I promise! Hopefully now with a portfolio, I can say, "See? I'm good."

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