Saturday, July 3, 2010


I love the 4th of July. I think fireworks are absolutely beautiful...and I never really get to see them otherwise, unless I go to a baseball game fireworks night. And even then, we always leave during the fireworks show because we can sneak out and get right back on the highway to go home. It's wonderful. So I always turn around and watch the fireworks as I'm driving away.

Today, Gzilla and I are going to a barbeque with our poker buddies. We can never make the Memorial Day or the Labor Day picnic because they always have them on Sundays... and I'm working every Sunday! Luckily, they're doing the Independence Day BBQ Extraordinaire on Saturday. My July 4th (well, July 3rd really) plans involve good wine, hot dogs, other barbeque awesomeness, and most likely poker.

I don't know what I'd do without these poker friends of mine. They're insane... loving... and completely unpredictable. And they're the main reason why my guest list a year from now (holy crap, officially 365 days until The Big Party) is at just about 200. We have about 18 people (other than Gzilla and myself) in our poker group...and only a few couples. They take up about 30 people on my list. And not one of them is getting cut. I refuse. I'm sure we'd have fun regardless, but something would be missing.

Any weekend plans or July 4th traditions?

1 comment:

Joanie said...

Your Uncle sent me an email reminding me that 50 years ago today, I was hit by a car. (it was all his fault!!) He reminds me every year... it's a tradition as only Mike can do!

And for the first time in several years, I actually have off on the 4th... and no one is throwing a BBQ. Figures.