Friday, December 12, 2008

Aw, I'm fabulous!

omigoodness! becklette from how the beck... gave me a blog award! my very first! It counts even though we're real-life friends, right? Yay! However, there are rules:

1. You have to pass it on to 5 fabulous blogs.

2. You have you list 5 of your fabulous addictions
  • cables. I rarely talk about my knitting on this blog (i have a knitting blog, too... called the actor's knitmare that I update much less frequently than this one, mainly because I never take pictures of my knitting) and I just learned cables, and love love love them!

  • cosmetics in general. Working at ULTA, I easily feed this addiction. Though yesterday, I was buying presents for my sister with a special 40% discount for three days, and I didn't buy anything for me!

  • trader joe's. I often get my lunch and snacks from there. I feel like it's healthier if I buy chocolate covered peanut butter filled pretzels if it's from trader joe's, right?

  • grey's anatomy. Even though it hasn't been the same since season 2, and I don't know why dead denny is having sex with Izzie...

  • loose tea. I'll admit it. I'm a tea snob. I only drink loose tea, unless I'm at work and I'm sick (like this week) in which case hot tea like beverage with honey it is just fine.

and 3. Include the person who gave you the award and make sure you link it back to them.

Thanks, becklette! If you haven't checked her stuff out, you should. she's funny.


Joanie said...

Thank you for my award! I feel so special now!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your award! You deserve it! :)

Joanie said...

You MUST go over to read Lilly's latest entry at titled Ho Bloody Ho! It's about beauty consultants.