Monday, June 23, 2008

Skeletons on the floor.

This weekend I spent time with my. entire. family. On my mother's side, anyway. My father's side are all egotistical elitist pricks, which I recently discovered. My mom's family can be egotistical and prickish, but they at least don't think they're better than everyone else. Most of them anyway. I have one uncle who thinks he's better than us... but he stole money from my family for years and his wife is a bitch, as are most of his in-laws, so he can continue to think he's better than us, but I know he's a liar and a thief, so ha.

I used to hate spending time with my mom's family because I didn't think I had much in common with them. I was convinced that I was closer to my one cousin on my dad's side than I was with my mom's side.. but I was completely lying to myself. My mom's family and I are very loving with one another... we hug each other, we kiss each other goodbye and hello... when I see my dad's family, it's like pulling teeth to get them to shake your hand. It's really bizarre. I'm much closer with my two cousins on my mother's side than on the one cousin my age on my father's side. One of my cousins on my mom's side (E) is getting married. She's been engaged for a while now... and they called the wedding off when her fiance shoved her out of a moving car. PS she was pregnant and lost the baby. I was so afraid for her that I was ready to go up there and stay with her. Her parents were away (My aunt was in Ireland and my uncle was in Colombia) so she was all alone. Needless to say, I don't really like this guy. They were then living together, but not engaged anymore. Now they've set another date. October '09. I'm in the wedding by the way, so now our other cousin and I need to do the bridesmaidly thing and help find dresses and such and not say anything about how much we think this guy is a scumbag. I found out yesterday that he wants to get a prenup. The guy doesn't have anything to protect. Why does he need a damn prenup?? He's so backwards. And I just don't trust him. I also think E might be pregnant again...

Of course Patty talking about getting married again puts more pressure on Gene and I to get married...again. I don't have the energy, the resources, or the money to get married right now. I just bought a house. A keeps trying to convince me to elope... but I'm a girl, and I'm selfish, and I want to have the big party where I wear a white dress. He also hates weddings... like hates them. I also have a few awkward family situations. Ones like "Well if you invite so and so, then I'm not coming." And I really want to say fuck you.. it's my wedding.. and you're going. Suck it up for one day, because the only thing you're doing by refusing to come because so and so is invited (and in one case, if so and so isn't invited I'm not coming) you're just looking like the asshole. You're the asshole for not coming for a stupid ass reason. It's really really dumb, and it just pisses me off... I'm not trying to bring families back together, here, I just want the people I love there, and they can't get over themselves for one minute. ALL OF THEM. Every single one of them who is doing this to me and to A is a big asshole. Every one. At this point, it depresses me so much that I don't want to get married ever. It's not fair to me that everyone else in my family gets to have a wedding but me. And I hate to sound poor little me, but I don't understand why no one wants to go to my wedding. I can't invite my own fucking sister, because my stepmother and my mom's boyfriend (who to be honest is being a complete fucking douche bag about it) won't go. If I invite the stepmother and my mom's boyfriend, my sister won't go. If we don't invite A's uncle, his grandmother won't go. But if we DO invite his uncle, then A's godparents and all of their children and spouses won't come. It's ridiculous. I might as well just not get married and piss everyone off by living in sin.


Unknown said...

Actually.. I had a conversation with someone at work... and I'm 75% sure that by the time A starts school for the 2008-2009 year, we'll maybe be married because I said "fuck it" and went to Elkton with 20 people. I think I'd be ok with it. As long as I give his mom time enough to make my dress, because I can't take that away from her. Especially since The Cunt refuses to let her make it. Maybe in the summertime, we'll have some kind of surprise I'm married reception like dinner party with the insane family that makes me want to curl into a little ball and cry.

Joanie said...
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becklette said...

can i come to elkton? i'll make a fabulous cake.